Forging Traditions Dance Workshop (Invidual)

By registering, you agree to the following:

Terms and conditions:

  1. ADC takes no responsibility for illnesses, injuries or losses of any form that may or may not occur pre/during/post workshop.
  2. ADC does NOT provide any accommodation and food/beverage except for re-filling water (depending on the location’s facility).
  3. The participants agree to allow photography and videography for the use of ADC’s marketing, promotion and documentation.
  4. Please wear comfortable attire/training wear such as track pants and t-shirt. No jeans, sports bra and shorts are allowed. 
  5. Wearing face mask is OPTIONAL.
  6. ADC management reserves the right to deny participants who do not comply with instructions.
Day 1 Itinerary
Day 2 Itinerary